Monday, March 3, 2014

[2/31] March Slice Thing-Early Mornings or WWWWHHHHYYYYYY

I hate waking up early. my love of late nights stemmed from me not being able to sleep, and so when i do get to sleep waking up early is the worst. there are some people like my dad who usually gets up at 5 AM every morning, even on weekend, I just wonder how he does it.  So I ask any of you reading who like to get up early, why? Why do you enjoy getting up early?


  1. Yeah, I have to wake up early to go to spanish. It sucks. I like how in you SOL you asked a question to the people reading it, that's pretty cool.

  2. I'm with you about staying up late and sleeping in. While I do get up, even excitedly for a few things, I'm really slow most mornings. Now that I'm a dad, I thought maybe getting up early would "just happen" since it seems to be a dad thing. Not for me.
