Sunday, January 19, 2014

Slice of Life- ALL CAPS EDITION BECAUSE WHY NOT ALSO being on stagecraft for opening night

Being on light on opening night of a stagecraft show is really nerve-wracking. Lights is one of the most noticeable things other than the acting. Lights set the scene and the mood, they let the audience see, so they are pretty important. so combine the knowledge that if you mess up, most people will know, with the fact that it is opening night of a play only fully rehearsed once, and you can see why I was a bit nervous.

Overall, the play went well enough with only a few mistakes on techs part, and I was pretty satisfied with how it went.


  1. Yes, on opening night, "everyone" is "on", especially the lights. You must stay so focused, I guess. Glad you wrote about it! (I thought you did a great job, but remember the audience doesn't really know what's supposed to happen. If there was an error, it wasn't glaring!)

  2. As if anybody reads anybody's blogs. Isn't that why we do five comments? So we can pretend that people actually read these? Please excuse the sarcastic girl; she's in a cynical mood.
    Anyway, Kendal tells me Stagecraft has a bunch of pressure to have everything ready. When you're behind the scenes (literally), no one notices much unless something is wrong. I didn't see the play, but I hear it's gone smoothly. Congratulations to Stagecraft on that. :D

    1. I was just talking about the title. I know Some people read this
