Sunday, January 26, 2014

SOL-Dumb Doodles Edition!

Now when ever I am in a meeting or a group, if I have paper and a pencil I will most likely be doodling. I mostly doodle patterns or just scribble random stuff because I am terrible at drawing anything from my imagination. I don't know why I doodle, I guess it just helps me think and gives my hand something to do. So I ask a question, do you doodle, and if you do, what and why do you doodle?


  1. Hmm... doodling. Do I? Yes. Why? No idea. As for what I doodle, usually something stupid like a face or words in an interesting font. Never anything very good - I suck at drawing. Unfortunately, I'm the 'illustrator' for book groups. So far, I've drawn people going on a journey (because that's the basis for nearly every book) and the hound from Fahrenheit 451 with a southern accent.
    What do you doodle?

  2. I doodle mostly on my hand and when I do its usually because I'm bored. I like to doodle plants and fandom things. I know I'm really nerdy.

  3. I used to doodle. On paper, on my hands, on anything. All the time. Seriously. I'd practice my signature over and over again. Now I don't. I wonder why not. Now I just fidget.

  4. I wish you'd scanned in some doodles Charlie-it helps me think, & sometimes I practice doing certain kinds of drawings to see if I can create without looking at a model. I wonder if anyone has published their doodles?
