Sunday, November 3, 2013

13 Reasons Why-Book Reveiw

13 Reasons Why
Book Talk
Jay Asher

13 reasons why is about a girl, Hannah Baker who killed herself and sent out a set of 13 tapes to the people that were her reasons for killing herself. Clay Jensen  receives the set of tapes, and originally doesn't want to do anything with them. eventually over the course of one night, he listens to the tapes and starts to understand who Hannah was, and what he did to play a part in her demise. this book is very emotionalty powerful, and it does deal with a few very sensitive topics. I would recommend this book to anyone just as long as they are ready for a mature, and thought-provoking read.


  1. Sounds like a book that should only be read if one starts at the beginning of the week like we're supposed to. I'll keep that in mind

  2. This book sounds really good, but really sad!
