The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstein
The Night Circus follows a cast of charecters and a magical circus, created for to purpose of a challenge, in which two students are pitted against each other. in this case the students are Celia and Marco. this book also follows around a lot of subplots, including those of Herr Thiessen, Poppet and Widget, and Bailey. the ending of the book ties all the subplots together. I would recommend this book to all ages, and I loved it.
I haven't read this book, but I will in the coming weeks. It sounds very interesting, and thanks for the second opinion.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read it either, but it is definitely up there in my TBR list. I hope to read it soon, although I have said this about many book so far, and i get side tracked with other books
ReplyDeleteI also haven't read this book, but I have heard great things about it. I'm glad its worth reading, and thanks for the suggestion!!