Thursday, March 27, 2014
[27/31]March Thing! - Settling Into a New House
For those of you who don't know, my dad and his girlfriend moved into a new house, and it is pretty awesome. I have a room downstairs and while it can be cold, I still like it. my desk with the computer I built is right next to my queen size bed. The best thing is that the floor is carpeted so it's not freezing cold when I wake up in the middle of the night.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
[26/31]March Thing! - Video Game PSA!
Just a quick PSA about goats and video games. You should all go buy Goat Simulator by Coffee Stain Games. Seriously, just buy it. Don't belive me? Take a look at the trailer:
If that did not interest you then leave this place. Take your anti-goat simulator prejudices elsewhere!
If you are interested in Goat Simulator then you can pre-order it for $10 and get acces to it 3 days before the official release date of April 1st. Goat Simulator can be pre-ordered at
If you are interested in Goat Simulator then you can pre-order it for $10 and get acces to it 3 days before the official release date of April 1st. Goat Simulator can be pre-ordered at
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Book Talk! - Water for Elephants, also [25/31]
I don't like Water for Elephants. When I picked it I knew it was a romance, but I decided to read it anyway. I am not really a person who like to read romance books. There are a lot of rather interesting parts of this book that are not romance related, but there is a lot about the romance between Jacob, the circuses new veterinarian, and Marlena, the abusive head trainer August's wife. This book does have some mature themes and a little violence towards the end, but I would recommend it to anyone who like romance novels.
Monday, March 24, 2014
[24/31]March Thing!-Choo-Choo Trains... Because Theo Said So
Theo said to write about choo-choo trains, so I guess I have to. My opinion of choo-choo trains is that they are alright I guess. I am not really sure how they differ from normal trains or other types (are there other types?) but they seem alright. Maybe a little childish, but Theo did suggest it, which explains a lot. My guess as to what choo-choo trains are would be trains like Thomas the Tank Engine or really small kids trains but I am by far no expert on choo-choo trains. Hold up a sec, let me Google "choo-choo trains".
Wow. I come back a changed person. That was weird. The results I got included many terrifying YouTube videos, which were mostly a bunch of badly animated trains singing bad songs in terrifying and soul-wrenching voices
Wow. I come back a changed person. That was weird. The results I got included many terrifying YouTube videos, which were mostly a bunch of badly animated trains singing bad songs in terrifying and soul-wrenching voices
Sunday, March 23, 2014
{23/31}March Thing!-Watching Other People Play Video Games!
I often get asked a question when I am watching live streams or YouTube videos of people playing video games. the question is why? My response is another question. Why watch football or baseball? For the entertainment, and the same goes for the videos. The player might be really good or really funny or be playing a game that I don't have. For those of you wondering what live streams are, they are people playing games and sending out the footage live for other people to watch. One of the benefits of this is that these live streaming sites often have a chat system so viewers can talk with both the streamer and the other viewers. If you are interested in live streams, check out
My question is have you ever watched someone else play a game over the internet? Let me know!
My question is have you ever watched someone else play a game over the internet? Let me know!
[22/31]March Thing!-Music, Focus, and You!
I like music. Music to me is very important. it helps me focus, it helps me relax, I don't think I could continue without music. My music tastes have changed a lot over the years. from classical to electronic. I don't quite understand why humans love music, but most people do. I find the variety of music and genres interesting, just because peoples tastes are so wide.
What kind of music do you listen to? Does music hep you focus? Let me know!
What kind of music do you listen to? Does music hep you focus? Let me know!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
21 of 31|March Writing | Changing Things up!
Changing thing up is important, like changing the title, or not writing about convoluted gimmicky topics like changing things...Crap. Anyway changing things is important because stagnation and creativity are enemies. For example taking a walk outside when you normally wouldn't can help give ideas where none might be found sitting at a desk playing on a computer. Sometimes things staying the way they are is a good thing, because maybe it's a place which is comfortable, so you stay there for a while, but staying for to long can be bad.
For the sake of change, I ask you to ask me questions in the comments and I will answer!
For the sake of change, I ask you to ask me questions in the comments and I will answer!
[20/31]March Thing!-Aftermath of Building a Computer
Building a computer has increased my self confidence a lot. it seems like it wouldn't but then I am using and then I realize that I built that, and it works. How many other people can say that? Other than self confidence It has made it slightly more difficult to go play homework and such. I think that might be a thing thing to manage in the future, but I think I can handle it.
If you could build a computer and you had all the money you needed would you build one? Let me know!
If you could build a computer and you had all the money you needed would you build one? Let me know!
[19/31]March Thing!-Lazy Days!
Lazy days are great. days where you just sit around and do absolutely nothing are fantastic, as long as you dont have too many of them. Having too many can be problematic because of little things like homework or family, but what can you do? Another problem can be a little phrase called "everything in moderation," which if you have not heard it means that too much of anything is bad. Even things like dessert or lazy days. What do you do on your lazy days? let me know!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
[18/31]March Thing-Living in two houses
Living in two houses can be really annoying. It adds yet another way to lose things, if something you need is at one house and you are at the other, you can't always go and get that thing and so you are stuck without it. My parents have been divorced since about 2007 and have lived in separate houses since then. I have gotten used to it but I still sometime leave crucial things at the other house like my phone or my keys.
I wonder what it is like having one house is like because I don't remember that time too well. It does help to have a laptop to take between houses, and I have made a lot of progress, but remembering things like ultimate gear, and others can be hard.
[17/31]March Thing-Bad Days
Everyone has bad days, but I fell I have been having quite a few of the recently. They are mainly caused by me being super tired and procrastination on work. I feel like I cause my own bad days and then that makes me feel worse for wondering why I do this to myself. I guess I just need to get my stuff together, but so much has been going on lately, like the play, my dad moving, and more personal stuff.
I think everyone has bad days, but I'm not sure, so let me know, if anyone reads this. I bet no one will so... Anyway I feel like I shouldn't be doing so bad, but I do it anyway. reading everyone else's slices makes me feel like crap because they are well written or quite a bit longer than mine. Sorry for such a schizophrenic post, I just can't make my brain have any sense.
I think everyone has bad days, but I'm not sure, so let me know, if anyone reads this. I bet no one will so... Anyway I feel like I shouldn't be doing so bad, but I do it anyway. reading everyone else's slices makes me feel like crap because they are well written or quite a bit longer than mine. Sorry for such a schizophrenic post, I just can't make my brain have any sense.
Monday, March 17, 2014
[16/31]March Writing-I'll write the title later (Procrastination)
Procrastinating is a
thing I do... a lot. It's something I need to work on and so I try to get all
my homework done early, but sometimes there is one big or really interesting
project that I choose to devote all my time to and other things get lost in my
head so I have to rush to do something over the weekend or on Sunday night. I
think procrastination is thing that happens to all of us, but some manage
it better than others. So, do you readers procrastinate? How much? Let me know
in the comments
[15/31]March Thing!-Writing...
Writing is annoying.
It's necessary but annoying. I find it annoying because my brain moves faster
than I can write things out, especially with handwriting stuff. Typing things
is a lot easier that handwriting, but still sometimes too slow. These writing things
are alright, but doing 31 of them is gonna be annoying. I used the word
annoying a lot in this writing, I am really tired so it makes sense. I am one
of the people who get really moody and ramble-ey when I get tired. Anyway, that
concludes my ramble session.
[14/31]March Thing-Opening Night!
Opening night was fun, nerve-wracking
but fun. Everything went well except from a few mistakes on stagecraft’s part,
but the crew was almost perfect. Opening night is always full of tension and
anxiety, but luckily we got past that to do the play. Being in the booth can be
weird, mainly because you are so far removed from the play.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
[13/31]March Thing!-Why Build A Computer?
I have recived the question why build a computer from classmates multiple times and the answers are always the same:
1. Cost. Building a computer costs much less than having it custom built by a company
2. Pride. By building my own computer I get to have an enormous sense of personal pride because I built my computer.
3. I Wanted To. I have toyed with the idea of building a computer for a while and taking that leap was a big thing for me.
Anyway I hope that answers most of the question, but ask me in the comments if you have any more.
1. Cost. Building a computer costs much less than having it custom built by a company
2. Pride. By building my own computer I get to have an enormous sense of personal pride because I built my computer.
3. I Wanted To. I have toyed with the idea of building a computer for a while and taking that leap was a big thing for me.
Anyway I hope that answers most of the question, but ask me in the comments if you have any more.
[12/31] "And I March On!" The Punny Slice!
I love puns. I love the way they make my classmates or my family groan, I love hearing them an coming up with new one myself. I'm not too sure why I like puns, but I do. I never had too much exposure to puns before I came into this class, all I had was the occasional one with my father. Sometimes there are puns that are so bad, that I have to groan, so other people get revenge on me for my puns.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
[11/31] March Thing!-Paitience, Young Padawn
I have pretty good patience usually. Usually being the keyword. I don't have patience right now, when I only need one part, that I get tonight but can't put it in until late Thursday night or Friday morning. It is so tormenting to be so close but to have to wait. Normally I would be fine waiting but this computer means so much to me and I have been working on it since late-ish last year and now I'm so close, but another roadblock gets put up in front of me. Do you ever feel like that? Let me know!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
[10/31]March Thing-Running Out of Ideas....
I run out of ideas a lot when I am tired, like I am now and when I run out of ideas I make really "gimick-ey" posts like this one... I think one of my major problems is that sometime I can't stop thinking of something else. In this case it's quite difficult for me to stop thinking about my computer, which is really close to finishing but not quite and I have no time.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
[9/31]March Thing! I WIN AT LIFE EDITION
I am so happy right now, I just got the computer I have been working on for most of this year to turn on and stay on, but I can't say it's "finished" because I still need to get windows installed. After that it's (hopefully) smooth sailing to get my computer up and running. I am building this computer especially for gaming, and most of the power comes from the GTX 780, which is my GPU (it makes things on the screen look good) but it does come with a hefty price tag at about $500. Have any of you ever thought of building a computer? Let me know!
[8/31]-Planning Ahead! March Thing
Planning ahead is one of the best ways to avoid procrastinating and I am pretty bad at it. The main thing I am bad at is estimating how long something will take, so most of my "plans" are just orders in which to do things, and while that works some of the time it is not always optimal for short segmented work times. When I do really plan ahead it works alright, but it can take a while, and if I have a plan I really don't like to deviate from it. Do you plan ahead? Let me know!
Friday, March 7, 2014
[7/31]March Thing!-Staying Over At Friends!
As of the time of writing I am at my friend Nate's house for his birthday. We went to Dave and Busters and then came back here, now I am spending the night. I always liked hanging out with friends, just because they were fun to hang out with and it's not like talking at school, where you A) have to watch what you say and where you say it and B) none of the pressure or time constraints of school. Although I do have to spend 6 hours at school on Saturday because of stagecraft. Anyway, Have a great day and thank you for reading!
[6/31] March Thing!-Ughhh, Writing
Writing is annoying. It's necessary but annoying. I find it annoying because my brain moves faster than I can write things out, especially with handwriting stuff. Typing things is a lot easier that handwriting, but still sometimes too slow. These writing things are alright, but doing 31 of them is gonna be annoying. I used the word annoying a lot in this writing, I am really tired so it makes sense. I am one of the people who get really moody and ramble-ey when I get tired. Anyway, that concludes my ramble session.
[5/31] March Thing! Procrastination!
Procrastinating is a thing I do... a lot. It's something I need to work on and so I try to get all my homework done early, but sometimes there is one big or really interesting project that I choose to devote all my time to and other things get lost in my head so I have to rush to do something over the weekend or on Sunday night. I think procrastination is thing that happens to all of us, but some manage it better than others. So, do you readers procrastinate? How much? Let me know in the comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Maze Runner-Book Talk, also [4/31] March Thing
Maze Runner
James Dashner
I recently read "The Maze Runner" at the suggestion of a friend, and it was alright. I feel like the book would have been a lot better if I had read it when I was younger. The main plot is that a boy named Thomas wakes up in a mysterious maze, with about 50 other boys, all of them trapped in a maze. Around the maze are these mysterious creature called grievers. This book is pretty appropriate, so I would reccomend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet.
James Dashner
I recently read "The Maze Runner" at the suggestion of a friend, and it was alright. I feel like the book would have been a lot better if I had read it when I was younger. The main plot is that a boy named Thomas wakes up in a mysterious maze, with about 50 other boys, all of them trapped in a maze. Around the maze are these mysterious creature called grievers. This book is pretty appropriate, so I would reccomend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet.
Monday, March 3, 2014
[3/31] March Writing-Dreams?

I dream sometimes, I'm sure of it. I just never ever remember what I have dreamed. When I wake up I vaguely remember something, but never anything specific. Dreams are really weird things, from what minute parts I can remember, dreams are just a huge jumble of random thoughts and memories with no sense or direction. I wonder what a video game based on someones dream would be like, probably extremely schizophrenic and terrifying. Let me know in the comments If you remember any specific dreams you feel like sharing.
[2/31] March Slice Thing-Early Mornings or WWWWHHHHYYYYYY

I hate waking up early. my love of late nights stemmed from me not being able to sleep, and so when i do get to sleep waking up early is the worst. there are some people like my dad who usually gets up at 5 AM every morning, even on weekend, I just wonder how he does it. So I ask any of you reading who like to get up early, why? Why do you enjoy getting up early?
Saturday, March 1, 2014
[1/31] March Writing Challenge-Thing!
Late at night is a very special time for me, it allows me a bit of breathing room to escape from annoying things like Socialization and Talking, so it's pretty great. I don;t stay up to late on normal school nights, but Friday or Saturday nights are fair game. I really love how long and unhurried the night is where it feels like I have all the time in the world holed up in my little world.
I think everyone should at least try staying up really late at night, just to see how it feels, and I think for most people it will not feel really different, but for some it will feel very special.
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